Neuro call numero uno is tomorrow. I dislike neurology call, I'm just gonna put that out there.
Sad Trombone
Hopefully not because your brain is bleeding and swelling inside your hard noggin.
This however, I like.
Off to run. Vday recipe idea coming soon.
Frank’s Red Hot Sauce Recipes
3 hours ago
Is this the kind of call where you have to stay right at the hospital, or the kind where you have to get up in the middle of the night and drive there if called?
However, I did like the sad trombone sound :)
I would really dislike being on call. Especially neuro - Neuro terrifies me for some reason.....
I, too, enjoy the trombone sound...
I clicked on your video link, and immediately Zuel asks if it's Pitbull and T Pain. He likes your music selection very much. Good luck on call tomorrow. I had a perfect weekend of call last weekend, so I will send those good vibes your way.
1/5 done... its home call Mom. Now the weekend to relax!
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