I ran outside today and boy, it's getting chilly!! I figure I will be able to run outside tomorrow and then.what.snow!!!! oh no. On my run, I noticed quite a few houses had set out Halloween decorations. One home actually decided it was time for garland and Christmas lights. Whatever. People are strange. Anyways, I returned home a bit chilly, but in the Halloween mood. My mom understands my strange obsession with window clings, and recently bought my some fantastic Halloween window gels. Up they went. Out came the witch magnets and placemat collection. Little pumpkin and ghost buckets are out. I'm ready for the spooks!
Ok. May I vent? Thanks.
I've been scheduling interviews. Holy scary. I have my first interview in WI on Nov 2. Yikes. Soon! I spent some time on orbitz and things are in motion. My credit card is just warming up. I have been speaking with a first year derm resident a lot lately. Yikes. If I have to hear about how much money, or how many boats on lake minnetonka each Mn dermatologist owns for 1 more min, my head might explode.

I guess after 7 years of college+medical school he had the bourgeois itch. Has he ever talked about a desire to look at rashes? Nope. Has he gone out of his way to see derm conditions on newborns? Nope. Do I know his board score? Yep. Do I know the perks of his residency package? Yep. People. Good lord.

This is also a good lesson. Good night ;)
I love you!
Good luck with your interviews - I am sure you will do awesome!
I could never do a job just because of the compensation/perks side of thing. How unfulfilling.
Love your blog posts! You have a gift here, Sweetie!
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