Tonight is an epic night.
I have spent 4 days total in the ICU. Day 1 I placed an arterial line, and admitted a patient with acetaminophen overdose on top of copious amounts of daily vodka drinkage. Day 2 I placed a nasojejunal tube and my tylenol pt was WAY demanding about getting her sprite. Day 3 I performed a paracentisis on an alcoholic liver failure pt, and got out 5 Liters!!! woot. I also admitted a pt with bleeding lungs aka hemoptysis and pneumonia. Day 4 found out pt has H1N1 YIKES!!!!! and watched him have a broncoscopy. So far, I must say, the ICU is pretty stinking entertaining. Alas, I hate the 14+ hour work day. that is yuck-o. Speaking of long stinkin days, I go in tomorrow EARLY. Must arise at 4:30 am, what, hate my life. In any case, call me crazy, but I'm totally heading to the vangobot CD debut tonight at the Uptown bar. I may partake in sleep. I hope. I WILL for sure be self administering ridiculous amounts of coffee tommorrow.

So , as I wait to leave, (Hipsters start late) I'm going to do another Lisa supplied meme.
ONE WORD ANSWERS! But i'm such a wordophile. or something.
1. Where is your cell phone? near
2. Your hair? Blonde
3. Your mother? essential
4. Your father? reliable
5. Your favorite food? rhubarb
6. Your dream last night? death
7. Your favorite drink? dt coke (2 words, but i'm not going to compromise. I got principals yall)
8. Your dream/goal? Happiness
9. What room are you in? Living
10. Your hobby? cooking
11. Your fear? emptiness
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? content
13. Where were you last night? ICU
14. Something that you aren’t? decisive
15. Muffins? poppyseed
16. Wish list item? sleep
17. Where did you grow up? Minnesota
18. Last thing you did? read
19. What are you wearing? jammies
20. Your TV? glowing
21. Your pets? ridiculous
22. Friends? understanding
23. Your life? unfolding
24. Your mood? nervous
25. Missing someone? mom
26. Vehicle? green
27. Something you’re not wearing? makeup
28. Your favorite store? target
29. Your favorite color? Purple
30. When was the last time you laughed? afternoon
31. Last time you cried? weekend
32. Your best friend? essential
33. One place that I go to over and over? cub
34. One person who emails me regularly? school
35. Favorite place to eat? home
1 comment:
Thanks for playing along! Wow, you had an interesting week. 14+ hour days. Yuck. Not jealous.
Hope you had fun at the CD release party. It was fun reading all the press they got! Very cool. I was lame and sat in my pjs, watching movies. I rarely go out on Friday nights!
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