Anyways. Whats up guys? Do you have a Halloween costume yet? I'm on call Halloween am. I hope no goofballs doing ridiculous things and end up in the PICU this weekend, but you never know.

I have two more call nights left this rotation. woot. I'm getting a wee bit tired of that dog and pony show. Call may or may not go as follows: Admit patient and make up a plan. Tell your res your plan. They tell you you're wrong and you should really do x. Tell the attending the plan is x. Then have the attending FREAK out and tell you that would kill people. OMG. My original plan, created by my feeble brain cells at 2 am, was in fact correct. Whatever. At least I don't have kids. But if I did holy moly. I'd probably fly them to Europe if they got sick. (I might be crabby)
I have some new recipes to post. Not now. I'm sleepy. I was also visited by a gluten free bread fairy. I kid you not. Full recap of that serendipitous event to come. Are you feeling cheated? I'll leave you with some loverly pics.

Mmmmhmmm. Feeling sassy.

When all else fails. Keep this one in your back pocket.
That last one is THE BEST. Perhaps I should mail that to the Dog Whisperer. Ha.
Yuck, this rotation does not sound fun. Yea for almost being done.
Get some sleep, lady!
Med school sounds so grueling - I always wondered how the students handled it! Making life & death decisions on severe lack of sleep has to be frightening! I'm sure you are doing exceptional, though! Hang in there - time is going so fast! Well, at least it is for me! Your posts are a hoot!
Auntie Marlys!
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