Well, holy cow today was a great day! I was outta that hospital by 11:30 AM!!!!!! I'm not even kidding you. 6:15-11:30. wowza. I was post call today, and I actually got to leave when my residents did!!!! The "beauty" of medical school is that no work hour laws apply to you, which is awesome... so usually post call I have to stay oh, 6 hours after my residents leave. But not today! I came home, watched real housewives while eating lunch, then plopped my booty into bed for a 3 hour nap. REFRESH!!!!
So yes, yesterday I was on call. meh. Our patient load is pretty manageable right now number wise, but we have some sassy families! Heme/Onc is actually proving to be incredibly interesting from a psychiatry perspective. An attending even talked to me about considering oncologic psychiatry. But, call last night was filled with drama. Mostly the intense personalities and practicing "reflective listening". Only one real medical drama-ie code blue. But, I still didn't get home till around 10. le tired.

I start the ICU on Tuesday. YIKES! Shhh. Don't tell the med school Gods, but I have a 2 day weekend coming up!!! I have to round on Saturday, but have Sunday and Monday off!!!! Grilling anyone?
Finally, Lisa tagged me for this AGES ago. I'll partake, please excuse my tardiness.
5 Sexy Things' meme - Here are the rules:
* Write 5 things that make you feel sexy
* Post a pic if you dare!
* Pass it on to 5 lovely bloggers
*#1through2,000 is absolutely Black mascara
*Summer dresses
*Red wine
*Cooking a fabulous meal, serving it on pretty plates in a CLEAN apartment
*Doing exactly what I want, and not giving a hoot how ridiculous I may look.

Brad and I in Vienna. Being ridiculous and having a blast.
I'll tag ANYONE who reads this. Comment and let me know if you play along. I'd love to hear your responses!!! Signing off! auf wiedersehen!
a cow with a ahalo makes me feel sexy
Your father.....yikes!
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