Ice cream trucks in my neighborhood are way freaking creeptastic. I would never let my child near one, no sir. There are 2 regulars, to the best of my knowledge. One is small and square, and emits massive quantities of black smoke from its tailpipe. The other, has a sign that says "stops for children" and can often be heard playing a medley of spectacular nonsecular Christmas carols... The driver of this particular chilly treat church-mobile sells more than just frozen treats, if ya know what I mean.

Anyways, can't say I didn't warn you.
Yep, ice cream trucks freak me out, too. We didn't have them when I grew up in the middle of nowhere so it's a foreign concept to me. The music sounds like something that would maybe be hynotic for children. Freaky.
So you are saying the ice cream truck that plays christmas carols is selling illegal substances? Will we next read about your citizen arrest?
Being a total country raised, small town person, my only memory of an ice cream truck was when I spent a week in Fargo as a teenager, babysitting and helping out in the care of my cousin's six children. Every evening one could hear bells ringing a the ice cream truck would come down the street with small children running from every direction to get a treat! It was much purer back then, I can tell you! As a country bumpkin, I was so envious of such a city treat!
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