I narrowly escaped being hit by a flying psych table in order to whisk myself away to this tranquil ecopolitan table. I'm not kidding, those wacky kiddos. Watch out!!! Thank goodness George has been giving me "Reflex Lessons", free of charge.
Yum! We opted for appetizers, since we had both had a late lunch and had entrees last visit. My Trio sampler: pesto, hummus and olive tapenade with flax crackers. The olive tapenade is something I HAVE to try to replicate. I'm pretty sure there were also some sundried tomatoes in there, and something smoky. I'm thinking just a pinch of chipotle could do the trick...gears are spinning!
Next time I really think we should go for a pizza or breakfast. I would love to try someone else's pancakes, and their incorporation of flax is flaxtastic by me! My pancakes tend to sit like a rock in your stomach, not a pleasant adjustment after a life of my mom's honey wheat dimes!
Alrighty folks, off to make some banana bread! Stay posted! And, really, make sure your feet are clean for tomorrow!
Maybe next time we can join you two!
I was a little lost on the clean feet issue, but then remembered the whole St. Thomas Becket thing and that gross feet washing tradition on Holy Thursday. Yuck. Sock lint......
Good pictures!
I can't wait to hear some stories from your psycho rotation!!
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