Now this, this is probably the most important post I'll ever make. Rhubarb slush is my favorite food. It really is. Whenever I respond to standard, "so what's your favorite food" questions with Rhubarb slush, I get the typical barrage of confused looks. But I make no excuses, rhubarb slush truly is my favorite food. Nothing says summer to me like sipping on slush at my aunt Mary Beth's cabin. I haven't had slush is such a long time, I knew it was something I had to make as soon as vacation began.
The recipe, as follows, makes enough slush to fill two large tupperware.
12 cups diced rhubarb (about 5 or 6 big stalks)
9 cups water
2 cups white sugar
1 can frozen lemonade
1 packet (13 oz) of strawberry sugar free jello
1 cup rum (optional)
Bring rhubarb, water and sugar to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes.
Strain into a large bowl and discard pulp
Add lemonade, jello and rum
Freeze completely
Serve slush with 7 up, and enjoy. Really enjoy :)