Tuesday, December 21, 2010


OK Mn stop snowing. Seriously. You are making it hard to get to work...

And veterans, please, keep breathing without intubation. Good lord.


Lisa from Lisa's Yarns said...

I hear you. I am so so so so sick of snow. I might just have to pack myself in your mom's suitcase and go to FL. Ha.

I do kind of hope we get enough snow this month to break the record though. I mean, if we are goign to get THIS much, it might as well be a record, right? Then we are like 80 we can say, 'oh, dontcha remember that December of 2010'.

Unknown said...

Oh, my dear daughter and nieces. How I love you.

Marlys said...

Paul & I have been watching the series, "Pacific" through Netflix and I have gained such sympathy for our dear Veterans! I hope their breathing struggles are not from smoking which, it appeared from the episodes, they all did! Hope your weekend goes smoothly, Suzanne, and that you find some time for Christmas Cheer! Give those Vets a hug!