It's HOT here in MN. So hot in fact that I don't feel like cooking per say. I have been mixing ingredients though, which counts. Ahhh Strawberries. Thank God for Dads, the berries are all on super sale the Monday after Father's day! I purchased two tubs and these red gems, freshly washed for my nibbling pleasure.

George is hot too. He camps out in the bathroom. The bathroom, is in fact, the hottest room in my tiny apt. He's afraid of my growling, clunking, grunting air conditioners I think. His appetite on the other hand, is unchanged :)
So, after buying copious amounts of these beauties, my weekly task has been to figure out new ways to devour them. My lunch salad on Tuesday. Leftover Mediterranean mouthwatering magical salad on top a bed of spinach. I added a bit more red wine vinegar (fancy shmancy pomegranate infused RWV) and created a border of strawberries and green onions. People were eyeing my salad at lunch, back off Doctas!!!

A gourmet dessert! Dangit, why do I live 20 ft from a DQ?
Wednesday is my day off during this rotation. What to do on your day off? Make a honkin cowboy style breakfast. Tostadas topped with freshly made guac (avocado, diced vidalia, chopped cherry toms, lime and salt). I scrambled eggs (with real butter) and added a dollop of laughing cow creamy cheese and some steak seasoning. Slice some leftover dad's day steak and serve with strawberries on the side.

Delish! I garnished with green onions. Somehow 3 bundles of those sneaky scallions ended up in my basket... Alright, I registered for step two Clinical Skillz exam, so I'm not totally useless today. But now, time for a little netflix worshiping with a full belly. Religulous is already playing on the Boob tube, best get watchin. Credits are not even over and I'm already laughing out loud!
I am available to join you for breakfast any day you would like to extend an invitation!!!
Your meals kick my meals arse. I feel like I have been living on baked potatoes for like a month...
Oh, and in your first pic of your breakfast, I thought the red things in the picture were strawberries!! I thought - hmm, bold move!
Enjoy your must deserved day off!
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