Where is your cell phone?.......arm rest
Your father? ........ strange and wonderful
Your favorite thing? .........rhubarb
Your dream last night?.... bloody stool
Your favorite drink? ......... diet coke
Your dream/goal? .......... happiness
The room you are in? ...... living room
Your fear? ..... loneliness
Where do you want to be in 6 years? ...fellowship
Muffins? ... poppy seed
One of your wish list items?....bedspread
Where you grew up? ........ IGH
The last thing you did? ..... relaxed
What are you wearing?..... pjs
Your TV?......... bravo
Your pets? ......possessed
Your computer? ... functioning
Your life? ....... happening
Your mood? ..... anticipating
Missing someone? .... yep
Your car? ..... dirty
Favorite store?..... target
Your summer? ..... so fantastic
Your favorite color? ...... purple
When is the last time you laughed? ...today, oh that man that hit his head then turned totally yellow? yeah, bahahahha
Last time you cried? .......last week
Three people who email me? ..... mom mom u of m
Three of my favorite foods? ........ Parmesan cheese, ketchup, lime
Three places I would rather be right now?..... germany, egypt, mexico
Three people I think will respond? ...... mom, yeah, we'll see.
Green Chile Beef Cabbage Bowl
22 hours ago
1. What is your name: Barb
2. A four letter word: grab
3. A boy's name: Nick
4. A girl's name: Suzanne
5. An occupation: electrician
7. Something you wear: fleece
8. A food: chicken
9. Something found in the bathroom: towel
10. A place: St. Paul
11. A reason for being: parenting
12. Something you shout: WhooHoo!
13. A movie title: Gone With The Wind
14. Something you drink: wine
15. A musical group: The Vangobots
16. An animal: George
17. A street name: First
18. A type of car: SUB
19. A song title: My Favorite Things
20. A verb: Run
Where is your cell phone?.......my pocket
Your father? ........ very dear and gentle
Your favorite thing? .........family
Your dream last night?.... don't remember!
Your favorite drink? ......... freshly brewed coffee
Your dream/goal? .......... happy children
The room you are in? ...... living room
Your fear? ..... illness
Where do you want to be in 6 years? On the road
Muffins? ... no, thank you
One of your wish list items? a different vehicle
Where you grew up? ........Red River Valley
The last thing you did? ..... the laundry
What are you wearing?..... fleece
Your TV?.........Food Network
Your pets? ......RIP
Your computer? ... on my lap
Your life? ....... I love retirement!!! Look forward to each day
Your mood? ..... good
Missing someone? .... yes
Your car? ..... in the garage
Favorite store?..... Coastal Seafood
Your summer? ..... recuperative
Your favorite color? ......blue
When is the last time you laughed? ...five minutes ago at (with) my husband
Last time you cried? .......last week
Three people who email me? ..... Linda, Beth, Marlys
Three of my favorite foods? ........ Halibut, salmon and shrimp
Three places I would rather be right now?..... Italy, Florida, Arizona
Three people I think will respond? ...... I have no idea
Mother dearest, you have to do the first one with only B words!!! Thanks for responding though, these are fun aren't they?
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